Where Can I Ride My Jet Ski In Massachusetts?

Where Can I Ride My Jet Ski In Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, there are several places where you can legally ride a jet ski (personal watercraft) and enjoy the water.

Here are some popular locations and areas where jet skiing is allowed…

Coastal Areas

  • Cape Cod
    • Cape Cod offers various locations where jet skiing is permitted, including
      • Buzzards Bay
      • Nantucket Sound
      • Cape Cod Bay
    • Be sure to check specific local regulations and any designated jet ski zones.
  • South Shore and North Shore
    • Several coastal areas along the South and North Shores of Massachusetts allow jet skiing, depending on local regulations and designated zones.

Inland Lakes and Rivers

  • Boston Harbor
    • Jet skiing is permitted in certain areas of Boston Harbor, with restrictions and guidelines to follow.
  • Merrimack River
    • The Merrimack River, which flows through northeastern Massachusetts, provides opportunities for jet skiing in designated areas.
  • Quabbin Reservoir
    • The Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts allows jet skiing under specific regulations and permits.


  • Local Regulations – Always check with local authorities, harbormasters, or relevant agencies for specific rules, regulations, and designated areas where jet skiing is allowed.
  • Safety Requirements – Ensure you comply with all safety regulations, including wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket.
  • Environmental Awareness – Be mindful of environmental regulations and guidelines to protect natural habitats and water quality.

Rental Opportunities:

  • Rental Companies – Many lakes and coastal areas in Massachusetts have rental companies that offer jet ski rentals. These companies can provide information on where to operate the jet ski legally and any necessary permits or licenses.

Massachusetts offers various opportunities for jet skiing, both along its coastlines and inland waterways. Always ensure you know and follow local regulations and guidelines to enjoy your jet skiing experience safely and legally in Massachusetts.