How Long Can A Jet Ski Stay In Water?

How Long Can A Jet Ski Stay In Water?

A jet ski can stay in the water for an extended period, but several factors influence how long it can remain operational and in good condition…

  • Saltwater vs. Freshwater – Saltwater is more corrosive than freshwater, so jet skis used in saltwater may require more frequent maintenance and care to prevent corrosion.
  • Maintenance – Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping a jet ski in good working condition. This includes flushing the engine after use in saltwater, checking and maintaining the hull and mechanical components, and addressing any issues promptly.
  • Storage – Ideally, jet skis should be stored out of the water when not used. Continuous exposure to water can accelerate wear and tear, especially on parts like the hull, engine components, and seals.
  • Water Quality – The quality of the water (cleanliness, temperature) can affect how well the jet ski performs and how quickly it may deteriorate if left in the water for long periods.
  • Usage Frequency – If a jet ski is used regularly, keeping it in the water for shorter periods between uses may be more feasible. However, extended periods of inactivity in water can lead to various issues.

Suppose you plan to keep a jet ski in the water for an extended period. In that case, follow manufacturer recommendations for maintenance and care, especially regarding freshwater or saltwater use. Regular inspections and maintenance will help ensure your jet ski remains in good condition and operates reliably whenever you’re ready.